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First Public Event for NSMC

On Friday, May 19 th at Mark Matthews and Joan Hatfield’s

home the first public event of the newly formed North Sea Maritime

Center was held to bring local guests up to date on the progress made

by the newly formed steward group for the Historic Tupper Boathouse

on North Sea Harbor in Southampton.

Ann Reisman, Mark Matthews, Sheila Comparetto and Lyn Ashe shared

progress reports and information about the restoration and renovation

phases, the programming vision to create historical and contemporary

marine activities and the immediate need for startup funds for the

fledgling organization.

Historic photos from the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s showed continuously as a

slide show during the event. Contributed by members of the Tupper

family and the Southampton Historical Museum, they added an

additional element to the evening.

Those in attendance were: Mark and Suzanne Antilety, Ted and Carole

Beinecke, Sue and Ken Bieger, Sally Spanburgh, Tom Edmonds, Tom

Tupper, Mike and Betty Ann Raynor, Stephanie McNamara, Barbara

Fair and Myron Holtz, Holly and Chip Maran, Glorian Berk, Howard

Reisman, Jim Ashe, Vincent Comparetto, John Bouvier, Town

Councilman and Bridget Fleming, Suffolk County Legislator.

Looking across the North Sea harbor, at a setting similar to what has

existed in this locale for hundreds of years, Mark expressed the wishes

of those present when he said that this is a wonderful piece of

geography which has supported maritime activities for years, and that

the North Sea Maritime Center will continue our local history in the

preservation and restoration of this historic building.

Friends were invited to visit the website at northseamaritimecenter,org

for more information and an opportunity to contribute to this new


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